Imagine if you will, that some form of advanced civilisation is not only able to travel through time, but also build through the expanse of time as easily as we can now build through the volume of space. If the structure were simply an observer or device used for observation, it could view all events just as a satellite can view the Earth's surface. One of the things I find most fascinating about such a structure/machine is that it could be built at any point in time, and once constructed, could potentially instantaneously exist at all points in time!
For example, say the discovery on how to make such a miraculous thing doesn't come into existence for another ten thousand years. For the sake of having some sort of a system/visualisation let's say that the device is grown like tendrils through what you could analogise as temporal space. Once it had grown across all of this temporal expanse, from any given point in time if you could see it, it would look like it had always existed, despite not actually being built and spread until a much later "relative point" in time (relative in the sense that from the devices perspective everything is atemporal, there is no past, present, or future. All of time is laid out like a map before it).
Just a fascinating idea I wanted to share for today!